Automatic grading of spreadsheet and database skills.

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Kovacic, Z.
Green, J. S.
Information technology
Distance learning
Grading systems
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Refereed journal article.
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Growing enrolment in distance education has increased student-to-lecturer ratios and, therefore, increased the workload of the lecturer. This growing enrolment has resulted in mounting efforts to develop automatic grading systems in an effort to reduce this workload. While research in the design and development of automatic grading systems has a long history in computer education, only a few attempts have been made to automatically assess spreadsheet and database skills. This paper has three purposes: (1) to describe the design of an assessment in the "Information Systems" course at the Open Polytechnic to assess students' spreadsheet and database skills, (2) to describe the development of an automatic grading system to assess spreadsheet and database skills, and (3) to compare automatic with manual marking to determine if automatic grading system is a feasible method of reducing workload.
Kovavcic, Z. J., & Green, J. S. (2012). Automatic grading of spreadsheet and database skills. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 11, 55-70.