Bibliographic records in an online environment

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Cossham, A.F.
Bibliographic records
Online environment
Library and information science
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This paper won the award for the best paper at conference.
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Introduction. The IFLA functional requirements for bibliographic records model has had a major impact on cataloguing principles and practices over the past fifteen years. This paper evaluates the model in the light of changes in the wider information environment (especially to information resources and retrieval) and in information seeking behaviour online, rather than in terms of library catalogues per se. Approach. Using a critical analytic approach, it reviews a range of literature across library and information science, and analyses the implications of the changing information environment and information behaviour on usefulness of the model. Conclusion. The paper argues that although the functional requirements for bibliographic records model may be useful in terms of thinking about the bibliographic universe as constituted when the model was first developed, there have been major changes in the form, format, nature, publishing, and relationships of information resources, along with significant developments in users’ information seeking behaviour, understanding and expectations. The model may no longer be sufficient as a theoretical and conceptual basis for cataloguing rules and hence for library catalogues, nor for understanding the bibliographic universe.
Cossham, A. (2013). Bibliographic records in an online environment. Information Research, 18(3), paper C42. (Special supplement: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August 2013.) Retrieved from