Student Engagement by Stealth: Embedding Information and Research Literacy

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Furness, J.
Pohatu-Anderson, Lania
Morum, Michelle
Brown, Karin
Information literacy
Research literacy
Bachelor of Social Work
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Presentation at Open Polytechnic 2013 Learning Conference : Engaging Learners.
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The Open Polytechnic recognises the importance of producing graduates who have skills in information, research and digital literacy. In the context of the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) these skills are especially important to underpin evidence-informed practice, practitioner research and post-graduate study (Beddoe, 2011; Beddoe, Yates, Fouché & Harington, 2010). Instead of including a specific research methods course the BSW programme team chose to integrate information and research literacy in all courses by including specific information and research related learning activities and assessment criteria and summative assessments. In order to engage students, contextualised information and research literacy activities are set which motivate students to develop the relevant skills. In the absence of a set of explicit social work research-related competencies or standards a set of research literacy standards was derived from the ANZIIL (2004) information literacy standards to map the research literacy requirements for students in the Open Polytechnic BSW. This presentation will explain the approach taken to embed information and research skills within the BSW programme and will provide perspectives from Education Solutions, Library and BSW faculty.
Furness, J., Pohatu-Anderson, L., Morum, M., Brown, K. (2013, August). Student Engagement by Stealth: Embedding Information and Research Literacy.